More video

I’ve just been exploring some more multimedia/video lately to familiarize myself, and a cause I’ve always cared a lot about recently released a new video. Invisible Children has created multiple multimedia pieces– truly multimedia in that not only do they use video, audio, music, and still photo, but also a mix-up of various artwork.

Here’s their newest piece:

While not exactly journalistic because they are obviously trying to sway the audience to one side (not that it’s hard to get there), I think their content is usually pretty great. It does get a bit dramatic at times, but I think that is obviously the effect they are going for so I wouldn’t even necessarily consider that a criticism. I think it’s really interesting how the take such an interactive approach. Again, this obviously would not work for most forms of journalism, but for their purposes of getting the audience involved and active in their cause, I think it is a really effective and interesting technique. By speaking to the audience and informing them that they are already a part of this movement, the makers of the Invisible Children multimedia make their work that much more powerful.

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