
I’ve worked with Audacity and Final Cut Pro a few times in Advanced photo-J as well at the fundamentals course before that, but I’m hoping to iron out a lot of the kinks and problems I had when I worked on pieces at those times.

Over time working with the programs, I’ve gotten a lot better at creating smoother audio, but I still need to work on transitions. I’ve finally learned the best place to make cuts, but I often forget to collect enough ambient sound in order to make the gaps between cuts sound more natural, so I’ll be sure to collect enough this time. I also need to learn to fade in and out the noise so the transitions aren’t too harsh or abrupt.

As for video, I have had lots of problems in the past with exporting via final cut pro. Part of the problem traces back to setting things up incorrectly, so I need to keep following step by step guides until I memorize it all correctly. This results in lower definition video than I seem to be working with within final cut, as well as muted colors. I need to remember to render. Mostly, I need to make sure my original settings on my camera– when taking the video itself– are correct. In my final project for foundations of photo-j, I forgot to make the video high-definition enough to look consistent with my photos. In the Nostalgiaville USA piece, you will see an example of this. The photos are crisp and clear but the video interview is pixelated and stretched because not enough information was recorded on my sensor to begin with.

Here are two video examples of mine that also illustrate collected audio, as well as the problems I mentioned about:

Nostalgiaville USA-


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